June 16, 2021
Celebrating Pride:
Custom Picture Framing In New York City
Artist Tschabalala Self With Our Custom Made Interlocking Stretchers
From Recent Feature In Teen Vogue!
Advocating for LGBTQ+ rights and celebrating pride goes beyond any parade or week of festivities. As part of our core values, Frames and Stretchers would like to reaffirm our commitment to promoting a diverse and equal opportunity environment for all our employees and clientele.
We look forward to creating the best custom framing in New York City by partnering one-on-one with the artists, collectors, galleries and art-lovers we are so fortunate to work with. We always welcome fresh perspectives and design ideas, with an approach of offering the best quality service and respect for your artwork's conservation and future longevity.
Custom Matting In Any Color For Custom Framing Projects In New York City!
Frames and Stretchers opened for business 5 years ago within the Puerto Rican & LatinX community of The Clemente Center. We actively seek out opportunities to give back in service to The Clemente Center, and service many of our buildings artist's custom framing and canvas stretching needs, while lending a hand in any programming activities within The Clemente Center for wherever possible!
Custom Hand-Painted Details On A Closed Corner Shadowbox Frame
Any of our custom framing and canvas stretching designs can be fully customized to our clients wishes. With a beauitiful selection of premium hardwood, softwood, gilded, welded steel, and plexiglass glass frames, we will help you decide on the presentation that will be most desirable for your artwork and space aesthetics.
If you'd like to read more of of Tschabalala Self's artist interview with Teen Vogue featuring some of our custom dry-kilned basswood internlocking stretchers, we invite you to check out the full article linked here! We are so glad to see this talented artist taking on the New York City art scene, and look forward to following their career and all the artists we work with!
Congrats to New York Artist Tschabalala Self on their feature in Teen Vogue - we love to see our custom stretchers in action!
For any further questions about the work we do in custom framing, canvas stretching, or The Clemente Center, please don't hesitate to reach out! One of our designers will be more than happy to speak with you about your project and help you choose the best custom framing in New York City.
Contact Us Here
(347) 705-0081
Locations in New York City / Wynwood, Miami / New Haven, Connecticut